This page will be all about ways to save money. Save Money you will.
- Use coupons
- Use Cashback programs when shopping online.
- Cook foods from scratch.
- Use cloth napkins instead of paper.
- Use cloth towels to clean up instead of paper towels.
- Buy a programmable thermostat and set it a few degrees lower while you sleep.
- Grow a garden.
- Shop secondhand for clothes and furniture.
- Pack a lunch for work or school.
- Pack snacks and meals when travelling.
- Exercise at home or outside instead of buying a gym membership.
- Make gifts for birthdays and holidays.
- Quit alcohol and cigaretts.
- Make your coffee at home.
- Hang your laundry instead of using a dryer.
- Drink water instead of juice or pop.
- Skip the Movie Theatre.
- Cut hair at home.
- Sew and repair ripped clothes instead of buying new ones.
- Canccel subscriptions.
- Buy generic brands.
- Downsize your vehicle to a more gas efficient car.
- Downsize to a smaller home.
- Trade babysitting services with a friend.
- Learn to fix things around your home instead of hiring someone.
- Attend free local events.
- Use public transportation instead of owning a car.
- Buy in bulk.
- Shop around for a cheaper insurance rate.
- Make your own cleaning supplies.
- Unplug appliances and electronics when not in use.
- Turn lights off when you leave a room.
- Camp instead of staying at a hotel on vacations.
- Carpool.
- Grocery shop online to avoid going over budget.
- Buy used school materials when you can.
- Weatherproof your home.
- Find the cheapest gas prices with Gasbuddy.
- Use reusable lunch containers.
- Switch our your incandescent lightbulbs for LEDs.
- Eat out of your pantry before you go shopping.
- Stock up on items during a grocery sale.
- Cut up your own veggies instead of buying them pre-cut.
- Skip the bottled water and invest in a reusable water bottle.
- Switch to a bank that has low or no service fees.
- Shop the sales.
- If you live on your own, get a roommate.
- Don’t grocery shop while hungry.
- Make a meal plan.
- Make a weekly dinner menu.
- Use natural remedies when possible.
- Wash your car at home yourself.